For some wee ones this first love is a pacifier or a blanket or a little animal. The Bean digs his paci still, but only at nap time and really could take it or leave it. He's a sucker for a soft blanket, sometimes 3 --- two small square ones that he clutches or puts over his head and one for his little arms and legs. He even had a rather intense infatuation with a 1/2 plush, 1/2 plastic teether toy named Blizzard the Wolf. Oh...but all those flings are nothing in comparison to the love he has for his new Monkey.
The Bean first knew there was something special about Monkey when he saw a little stuffed toy at his friend's house. He would even try to take other kid's monkey toys if they were not paying attention or holding on tight enough.
Oh the joy...now that the Bean has his own Monkey to love!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW! THanks for all the updates, makes auntie :) to see pics of the lil monkey.
Who is the cutest Bean in the UNIVERSE?? Luke-a-Tuke, of course! Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to see him in person!
Sweet! I have a stuffed monkey in the back of my truck. And I'm super OLD! I will have to introduce young skywalker to the stunt monkey someday!
where can i get me one of those monkey-on-my-back backpacks? i got a monkey on my back and he needs a pack.
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