Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mexico Fun

We were lucky enough to spend 5 days in Mexico with some framily (friends that are practically family). We were all there to watch two super cool kids get hitched. It was fabulous and provided the bean with lots of time with his new favorite thing... "wha wha". Yes - whether it's in the ocean, a wave, a pool, the bath, a puddle on the ground, or a picture of a fish, penguin or anything that lives in water... our little guy loves it.


Lunch, the box said...

what a tasteful blog. and that kid, do you rent him out for parties? he's friggin' adorable.

CathyKSR said...

That's my grandchild!! How proud am I? Hugs to Luke and to his parents. Thanks, Jenn, for putting this together. It is great fun, although it makes me miss him terribly. Love,